Want to make lasting change happen?

Find out how

It’s about deciding what’s most important to you.

And building the support systems around you to enable you to create and keep momentum.

Simple, right?

The status quo is a powerful force. Going against the grain can be exhausting, frustrating and confidence-sapping. You can end up:

  • Second-guessing yourself about trying new things for fear of getting it wrong
  • Feeling unheard and impotent
  • Paralysed with indecision about where to put your efforts
  • Playing it small and safe
  • Doubting yourself and your self-worth

I don’t want that for you. You don’t want that for you either.

Here’s what you can do:

Think big: decide what you want for the world and for yourself. Decide what’s worth changing and what’s not. Consolidate your conviction.


Build your allies: find people who want what you want. Mentors, peers, teachers, influencers. Cultivate your community.


Experiment: Start small and deliberately try something new. See what happens. Learn from it. Go again. Create momentum.


Join me to make the difference you want to make.

Making change happen is both massively hard and hugely rewarding. It’s something I’m still learning. (You can read more of my story here).

The possibilities are infinite. And your time is finite. Make it happen.

You’ve got it in you.

“Digby is a sophisticated consultant who is easy to engage with on OD business needs at a senior level. He’s very astute, listens well and delivers very targeted and effective solutions. And he’s able to quickly identify with you what to focus on to get the best result and then delivers a solution that actually works.”

GM HR, Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

“Digby will challenge your thinking, bring you great ideas and expertise, and totally win over your executive team and/or your participants and get you results. Highly recommended.”

Head of Organisational Development, Inland Revenue.

“Digby is a fantastic person to have on your team when you need some very solid and edgy thinking in leadership development. Yes, he provides fabulous advice and expertise, but you also get to go on the journey with him and feel like you are contributing to the thinking. Leadership in action!”

Head of Organisational Development, Department of Corrections.

“Digby’s energy, optimism and courage is infectious.  I would highly recommend Digby as an executive or management coach and/or as a facilitator for teams.”

Frances Turner, Executive Director, Royal New Zealand Ballet

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