Lead With Purpose

The need to lead with purpose has never been stronger.

 “Man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life. This meaning is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone; only then does it achieve a significance which will satisfy his own will to meaning.”
–  Victor Frankl



We live in a time where:

  • Our future leaders work for meaning more than they work for money
  • The old rules of how we work and live are rapidly crumbling
  • Purpose-driven organisations are outperforming the others

When we tap into the fundamental human drive for meaning and purpose, we tap into something that helps us transcend the day to day barriers. Purpose gives us energy, it gives us focus, it gives us hope. The need to lead with purpose has never been stronger.


You’ll learn:

  • Why purpose-driven people and organisations thrive.
  • Why it’s not about creating a purpose, it’s uncovering what’s already there.
  • How to make a greater impact by being a purpose-driven leader.
  • The tools to deliberately cultivate a more purpose-driven organisation.


Best suited for:

Audiences who want to take the idea of being a purpose-driven organisation and make it a reality.

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