Five Questions To Guide You

25th Feb 2016

Here are five simple questions to keep you on track over the next twelve months:

  1.  How do I want to spend my time?
  2.  What do I want to learn?
  3.  What do I want to achieve?
  4.  How do I want to be?
  5.  What’s my theme for the year?

This last one is powerful. In many ways it is a compression of your answers to the previous four questions. By giving yourself a theme for the year, you have an anchor, a focal point, to help you choose and make wiser decisions while staying true to yourself. For example, a couple of years ago, my theme was ‘follow my nose and do what excites me’. I didn’t do any work that didn’t excite me. What a difference that made!


Write your answers down. Don’t rush, come back to them frequently during the course of a couple of weeks.

Keep a journal of what you’re doing, thinking and feeling.

Every month, revisit the journal and questions. Update your answers if you need to.

Notice what happens over time.



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