How To Play With Fire

28th Jul 2016

What if you could equip your next generation of leaders to deal with anything? If you could achieve that, what might happen?

My latest white paper describes why this challenge is so important right now, and what you can do to future-proof your organisation, and our wider society, in the turbulent environment we find ourselves in.

Here’s a taster:

Let’s put it on the table. The vast majority of organisations put too much leadership development emphasis on people who are already in traditional leadership roles. And not enough on the people who are the promise of the future.

Imagine a fire. The hottest part of the flame is at the bottom, not the top. The top gets all the attention, but the bottom is where the real energy is. You want to be able to harness and use the energy of the people nearer the bottom for positive change. Don’t snuff it out before it gets going.

Download the white paper to learn more about:

  • Why investing development efforts only in traditional leadership roles is folly
  • The new realities and challenges we face in the 21st century
  • Strategies for future proofing your organisation and our wider society

How To Play With Fire Cover Photo

How To Play With Fire. Equip your next generation of leaders to deal with anything.

Click here to download.


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