What’s Your Unhurried Project?

16th Jun 2022


We all need an unhurried project.


Right now, one of my unhurried projects is making a guitar as a gift for my son’s 21st birthday. I can’t rush it. It takes patience and focus. When I’m working on it, I’m completely immersed. Time dissolves. I breathe out. And I get immense satisfaction from seeing tiny progress every day.



What’s an unhurried project?


It’s something that forces you to slow down and simply take the time it takes.


It’s something that allows your mind to rest even while your body might be moving.


It’s something where you get meaning from the process, not just the outcome.


It’s something that gets you into the coveted flow state.


Your unhurried projects could come from a hobby. I think that’s why some people love gardening. Or DIY. Or guitar-building.


You can also find unhurried projects in your work. One of my other projects is building a thriving network of Change Makers across New Zealand and Australia. I started this project back in 2017. By taking the time to grow it organically, rather than to grow it as fast as I can, it’s got a strong foundation. The right people join when they’re ready. It’s a thriving learning community based on building trusting relationships. And that’s what makes it endure.


What might your unhurried project be?




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