Advanced Review Team

Change Makers – Make your mark with more impact and less drama.

Welcome to the Advance Review Team registration page for my new book, Change Makers – make your mark with more impact and less drama, for people who are interested to review and promote it ahead of its official release, which we anticipate to be on 5 April 2019.

Team members will be sent pre-release electronic copies of the book in exchange for honest reviews on the book to be posted on Amazon and Goodreads, and for sharing your thoughts about the book with your own networks.


You’ll get:

  • A soft copy of the book two weeks before its official release date
  • A link to buy an e-version of the book from Amazon (the price will be $0.99 so it’s a no-brainer) 4 days before the release date. This is so you can write a verified purchase review which is more powerful than a standard non-verified review)
  • A link to the book’s page on Goodreads, so can post a review there.

We’ll also give you reminders so you don’t forget, and instructions on how to put your review on the sites.

Reviews can be as long as you like.


To be a part of the Advance Review Team:

  • If not already, you must be signed up to my ‘Thinking from the Edge’ newsletter (use form below). 
  • You agree to write an honest review of the book and post on Amazon and Goodreads by 30th March 2019.
  • You agree to share your favourite quotes and passages on your social networks and with me – more on that later.
  • You’ll need an Amazon account  You can set up an Amazon account here for free.
  • You’ll need a Goodreads account. You can set up a Goodreads account here for free


If you’d like to be a part of my Advance Review Team and can commit to the above requirements, I’d love to have you on board! I’m limiting the team to 20 places, and it’s first in, best dressed!

All you have to do is register your interest below and when the book is ready, we’ll send you downloadable links.



I confirm:

  • I have signed up to the Thinking From The Edge newsletter
  • I have an Amazon account
  • I have a Goodreads account
  • I will post my review on Amazon and Goodreads within 10 days of receiving the book
  • I will share my favorite quotes and passages with my social networks and with Digby