Why Join Change Makers?

Here’s why.

Thanks for coming along to the Change Makers information session.  I trust you enjoyed finding out about the programmes. Here’s some more information to help you.


If you’re curious about how others have benefitted from the programme, here are four participants sharing their stories:


Gillian Brookes: “Designing for impact”

Gillian Brookes, social entrepreneur and a New Zealand authority on flexible workplaces, shares her perspective of how she’s created a more integrated approach to work and life and how she’s more effective as a result. She also shares her experience of why the programme is so powerful, especially the workouts.


Jamie Bell: “Scaling up your impact”

Jamie Bell, head of communications and business support shares his experience of being part of the Kick Start online programme and the opportunity to scale impact in a collaborative way.  He shares the open learning environment, the energy it creates, and the tools to take him forward to achieve in his workplace.


Tony Clark: “Growing confidence, conviction and clarity”

Tony Clark, policy director, shares how he’s developed more confidence, conviction and clarity, reflects the skills he’s learned and amplified as a result of being on the programme, and the value of being part of a diverse tribe of people.



Jenny Brown-Zikic: “Good people + good process = good things”

Jenny Brown-Zikic, HR leader, shares how being surrounded by other change makers has been a catalyst for her own development. She also shares how she’s taken one of the tools and run with it in her own workplace, and the impact that that’s had.


If these videos nudge you towards saying ‘yes, I’m in!’, that’s great!  Please get in touch with tereska@digbyscott.com and we’ll get the ball rolling for you.



Tips for getting sign off to join Change Makers

If you’re keen to sign up and your next step is to get approval from your manager, the information below will make it easier for them to see the value of the Change Makers programme, not only for you, but for your organisation as well.

The Change Makers programme is a proven catalyst for building change capability. Here are some common resistance points, and some tips to help you get to sign-off. Draw on them as you need, so you can make a compelling case for joining the programme.

They may also find my White Paper helpful to understand how investing in Change Makers accelerates organisational culture change. Grow A Culture Accelerating The Journey




Change Makers Foundation – how it works
  • The Change Makers Foundation Programme runs over six-months, and is designed to accelerate your change-making ability and impact
  • We meet as a group for a day every six weeks for intensive learning, critiquing and planning
  • Our days together include sharing successes and failures, identifying lessons learned, fresh perspectives from guests, learning new tools and approaches, ‘Change Maker under the spotlight’ sessions, peer coaching, and action planning
  • You’ll also have the option to receive regular 1:1 mentoring to help remove obstacles and accelerate your progress
  • You’ll get access to our rich online curriculum, which includes a range of video lessons, activities tools that you can do in your own time.
  • Between workouts, we connect on our online Co-Lab platform. Here we run interactive webinars, electives, ask questions, offer help, and share insights so we can keep up our momentum
  • The minimum total contact time is five workout days. You’re expected to complete a minimum number of curriculum modules over the programme – these take around 20 hours to complete. Then there’s the webinars, mentoring, and community engagement which you can spend as much or as little time as you like! (Hint: the people who get the most out are the ones who put the most in)

You get all the above for $5,500 + GST



Kick Start: Over five weeks, you’ll learn how to:
  • Identify and leverage your superpowers
  • Define your Big Question. That’s the question that drives your sense of purpose and gives you a piercing focus.
  • Design and run deliberate experiments to accelerate your progress and deepen your learning
  • Cultivate a network that expands your reach and keeps you sharp. (You can’t make change happen alone, right?)
  • Be more persuasive and influential to ensure your change-making efforts spread far and wide
  • Apply at https://www.changemakerskickstart.com/

You get all the above for $900 + GST


Ready to sign up?

If you’re ready to sign up, get in touch with Tereska: tereska@digbyscott.com or call 027 528 6379 to get the ball rolling.