
Make An Outsized Difference.

Digby offers a limited number of one-on-one mentoring packages each year for leaders deeply committed to their own development, and to making an outsized difference in the world.

Digby will partner with you to bring your agenda to life, to help you overcome your barriers, and to keep perspective as you navigate the terrain.


Digby’s mentoring could be for you if:

  • You’re committed to making an outsized difference in your world.
  • You’ve got a good sense of your ‘direction of travel’ and are already moving.
  • You’re now looking to partner with someone who will challenge you to step up, turbo-charge your agenda, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.


Digby’s mentoring is unlikely to be for you if:

  • You’ve simply reached a career plateau, and you’re wondering ‘what’s next?’
  • You need a sounding board to think through your options.
  • You’re unwilling to be curious, courageous and leave certainty behind.


Your role: you do the work. You bring the agenda and that’s what we work with. You’re responsible for making the changes you want to make. So that means taking deliberate action in between our sessions, and taking the time to reflect on what you’re learning.


Digby’s role: is to guide, prod, challenge, ask the hard questions, give feedback and to help you stay accountable to what you say you’ll do. He’ll keep you at your ‘learning edge’. It’s not always comfortable there, but that’s where the learning happens.


The minimum mentoring period is usually six months, as that’s what it usually takes to embed real changes. Investment starts at $7,500 + GST.

Digby Scott Mentoring

1:1 Mentoring

If all of this sounds good to you, please complete our form. It’s designed to help you clarify your thinking about what you most want from the mentoring, and to help Digby get a sense of where you’re coming from. Send this off and Digby will be in touch from there.

Get started

“Digby has helped me navigate through leadership challenges that I would’ve found difficult to work through on my own”.


“Digby’s BS radar is always on and highly effective! I learned a lot in my year of working with Digby and as I go over my notes and reflect on those sessions, I realise I am still learning and benefiting from his advice.”

Monique Devereux, Director of Communications and Marketing at AgResearch

“Digby has a truly inquisitive approach from a place of open minded possibilities.  He’s a man of the ocean and in the spirit of this an ocean analogy describes how I find working with him.  It’s like I’m sitting on a board next to him in the ocean. Relaxed, observing, being. Digby is generously open with his knowledge and experience.  He asks great questions to build my powers of observation, awareness & suss out next steps”.


Lisa Allen - Coach, Facilitator, Contractor