
Wellbeing Reframed

Are you hearing a lot about ‘wellbeing’ at the moment? It is the flavour of the month or a fundamental strategy? I had conversations with two different client organisations last week, both centring on wellbeing. Their two lenses couldn’t have been more different. For one client, their wellbeing agenda was a list of activities that […]

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When you’re on a mission to change the world, you’re going to hit some headwinds. Below is a transcript from a conversation I had with a client last week about how they’re dealing with headwinds, and how they can use them…   Right now, I feel like my wings have been clipped. For the past […]

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Teachers Are Everywhere.

I was in conversation over a drink with some good friends the other day, and the question came up “who’s been your greatest teacher?” Inevitably, we all initially gravitated towards people who have inspired us: an old boss, an old coach or an old school teacher. You know, the usual pat answers we give to […]

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Learning to Learn

You may know that I’ve been learning Wing Foiling lately. It’s kind of like being on those America’s Cup boats but on a smaller scale. You’re riding a kind of surfboard with a hydrofoil attached underneath, flying above the water powered by a ‘wing’, or sail. It’s exhilarating, and the learning curve comes with lots […]

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Ants and Systems Thinking

I remember being at school – I think I must have been about six years old – when a friend, David, suggested we follow a line of ants on the ground to see where they led to. So we started off. I picked one ant and followed it as it slowly wended its way across […]

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How to Dance with the Unexpected.

Last week was a tough one.  I had a busy work schedule planned, including leading two full-day Change Makers workouts. Then, at the start of the week, my seventeen year old daughter got a sciatic nerve injury which left her in excruciating pain and unable to get out of bed, let alone walk, for the […]

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Commitment + Systems = Change

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that at some level you want to create positive change in 2021. Maybe it’s for your industry. Maybe for your organisation or team. Maybe it’s just for you. How set up are you to do that successfully? Here are some ideas that I reckon help a huge amount. Commitment […]

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Here’s How I Learn

Towards the end of 2020, I worked with one of New Zealand’s highest profile public sector executive teams. In the year that was, the CEO and the organisation had been under the pump and was in the media spotlight for most of the year. They were keen to reflect and review how they’d led during […]

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Three Things I’ve Learned From 2020

  How’s your 2020 been?   I’ve been reflecting on my own journey through 2020. January seems such a long time ago. Back then, I was snowboarding in Japan with my family. Covid19 was just beginning to make headlines over the water in China. As we landed back in New Zealand, we were aware of […]

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Troublemaker or Change-Maker?

“If you care about what they care about, they’ll care about what you care about.” Anonymous.   I watched The Trial of the Chicago Seven on Netflix the other day. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth the watch. It’s a dramatisation of the 1968 indictment and trial of seven protestors charged with intent […]

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