
Christmas Won’t Fix It (2022 Version)

Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing. Miles Davis   Last week I posted a poll on LinkedIn asking the question ‘Leading into the end of the year, how full is your tank?’ As of the time of writing, here are the preliminary results:       That’s two-thirds of people either getting […]

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What Might Emerge?

Everything will work again if you unplug it and plug it in again, including you. Anne Lamott, author of Bird by Bird           Space.   I reckon it’s all too rare a thing for many of us these days. When I ask people ‘what are you most looking forward to over […]

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Want to be less hurried? Cultivate patient urgency.

When you think of being unhurried, what comes to mind? Being cruisy and unstressed? Taking each day as it comes? That’s one way of thinking about it.   I’ve come to believe that ‘unhurried’ can be defined by something more nuanced than simply being cruisy. In fact, I reckon it’s somewhat of a paradox.   […]

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Forced Rest

  I’ve just spent a week snowboarding in New Zealand’s South Island. My 15-year-old son and I attempted to do seven different ski fields in seven days. We gave it a good nudge and we ended up doing six fields over the week. We only missed one because it was closed due to high winds! […]

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The Badge of Busy

  Busy is not a badge to wear with pride. Yet we seem to want to show it to anyone who asks. How’s it going? Oh really busy. How about you? Yep, busy as.   I was running a workshop last week about how to create unhurriedly productive team cultures. The people in the group […]

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Do You Have Enough Slack in Your System?

  Being laid low with Covid over the past week has meant I’ve had to reschedule a lot of appointments. I was due to host a housewarming party. I had a bunch of client commitments in the calendar. And then I was supposed to be flying to Perth to visit family for the first time […]

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Why I care about Unhurried Productivity

  I’ve been going on about Unhurried Productivity for a while now. I thought you’d like to know why this topic is so important to me personally.   Back in the mid-90’s, I was a driven young 20-something professional. I was in my first real leadership role, as New Zealand National Manager for the international […]

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Speed vs Endurance

“The prize doesn’t go to the fastest guy. It goes to the guy who slows down the least.”  – Rich Roll   I heard this quote from ultramarathon runner and podcaster Rich Roll the other day. It stopped me in my tracks because I’d never thought about it in quite that way before. The idea that in a […]

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Listen to your state more than your story

  When it comes to decisions, it often pays to listen to your state over your story.   When your head says ‘I should keep working’, and your gut says ‘go for a walk’, then go for a walk.   When your head says ‘I have to keep showing up to these useless meetings’, and […]

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Busy is a decision - Debbie Millman

Three ways to be more Unhurriedly Productive

Here we are at the beginning of February. After the break, is your world starting to speed up again? I bumped into a client last week who told me that the calm and zen she’d experienced over the holiday period had evaporated within 40 minutes of her first day back at work. Sound familiar?   […]

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