
Aspiration, or Essence?

My coach asked me a good question the other day: “What’s your aspiration?” I recoiled from the question. “Why the reaction?” she asked. “It’s that word: aspiration. It speaks of striving, of a gap to be filled.” I realised in that moment that I’m over filling gaps. It’s exhausting. And I’m not sure it serves […]

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Ping Pong Balls and Change-Making

Have you ever felt frustrated that all of your efforts in trying to make change happen might count for nothing? Do you keep chipping away but see no real progress? Here’s a story that will encourage you to keep going. Last week at one of our Change Makers’ workouts, our guest conversationalist Justin Douché introduced […]

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Culture Lives Here

I was recently leading a workshop for managers on how conversations shape culture. I noticed most of the managers were operating from a context of their formal conversations – the ones behind closed doors, or the ones they had scheduled in their calendars. Without thinking too much, I found myself drawing this on the board. […]

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Evolution of A Blog Post

Here’s how I take an idea and turn it into a useful post. Let’s take my recent post Opportunity and Agency This one started as a random idea in a lecture I was giving for my Auckland MBA cohort. During the class discussion, the idea came to me, so I drew it up on the […]

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How To Tip The System

Recently I was working with a group of about 20 people at a residential workshop. It was morning tea time and we were all gathered in a room relishing our caffeine top-ups. As facilitator, it was my job to keep people on time. I considered how I’d let them all know when it was time […]

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