
What are your Brules?

Rules. We live by them. We need them, actually. Otherwise, we’d be overloaded with decisions. Like having to think about which way to veer when we meet a car coming the other way on the road. Sticking to the left is a useful rule. Some rules are not so useful. Some rules limit us too much, […]

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How To Deal With A Humpback Whale

  I’ve recently returned from my annual windsurfing trip to Gnaraloo, in the North West of Western Australia. Eventful as always, this year provided something extra special… I was sailing out to sea at high speed, about 500m from shore, and was looking for the next swell to ride back to the reef. It was […]

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Avoid The Flat Line

  What’s better: when good stuff happens to you, or bad? Mull on that for a bit as you read on. I’ve just spent three days on an emotional rollercoaster. I was attending a workshop with Thought Leaders Business School to help me sharpen my thinking for how I run my business. Hugely beneficial. But […]

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