
(En)lighten Your Perspective

On my recent windsurfing trip in Western Australia, I noticed an interesting social dynamic. One evening, our crew were sitting and chatting around the campfire. From memory, we were talking about the gay marriage debate that was raging in Australia a couple of years ago. Not a light subject, to be sure. There were two […]

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Making Change Happen? Blend Momentum With Agility.

If you’re on a mission to make an outsized difference, you’ve signed up for an exciting journey. And also a challenging one. It’s exciting because you’re doing something worthwhile, something with purpose, something that’s going to really make a dent in the universe. And it’s challenging because you’ll come up against inertia. Including those people […]

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Being with Difference.

Following the shocking events in Christchurch in March this year, I’ve been reflecting on ‘being with difference.’ It’s hard for me to comprehend how someone could go to such extremes, and I’ve found myself in a strong state of judgment about the shooter’s behaviour. Probably like most of us. And as I notice my judgment, […]

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The Way Things Are

When I was about six years old, my grandparents went on a cruise ship from Perth to Bali, Indonesia. That was back in the day when you were allowed to go on board the ship and visit when it was in port. Which is what my family planned to do. Except I was terrified of […]

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Intent Determines Impact.

Hey. This one’s for you if you’re a people leader, advisor, or if you’re simply keen to help people learn and grow. If someone comes to you with a problem, how do you help? Do you tell them what to do, or do you get them thinking for themselves? In my early days as a […]

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Some Thoughts on Reflection

  After shooting this video, I spent plenty more down-time on that T-Bar. I got to thinking about the challenge of choosing to slow down more often. I’ve known for a while about the importance of slowing down and reflecting, and I consider myself to be someone who builds in regular down-time. But my life […]

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How to Turn Curiosity Into Progress

    In the last few posts, we’ve been exploring what it takes to get more curiosity happening in your culture. We’ve looked at the importance of permission, and purpose. Today we’re going to round things off by taking a look at the end game: making progress turning questions into action.   Progress It’s pretty […]

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Give ‘Em A Reason To Be Curious

In the last post, we discovered that giving permission to be curious is essential.  Now we’ll have a look at the next P: Purpose.   “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men and women to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders.  Instead, teach them to yearn for the […]

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Unleashing Curiosity

To successfully unleash curiosity at work, tap into the energy created by the timeless tension between people’s need to deliver and their need to discover. This post looks at how you can do that.

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