
Get Time on the Board

I’ve been trying out a new windsurfing move lately. I’ve been windsurfing for so many years that you’d think I’ve have the sport nailed. But, no, not by a long shot! Windsurfing, especially in the waves, is super-technical. I reckon it’s one of those sports that you can never fully master. There’s always something more […]

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Marry Your Builder to Your Architect.

A couple of weeks ago, at our most recent Change Makers workout, our guest speaker lobbed an interesting question to us: “Are you a Builder, or an Architect?” She was referencing The Lego Movie. In Lego society, most people are Builders. The Builders follow the rules, do what’s asked of them, and are good citizens. […]

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How To Be Curious

The late novelist David Foster Wallace tells a wonderful story about ‘incuriosity’ in his commencement speech This Is Water: There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys, how’s the water?” And the two young fish […]

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