
A Twist on ‘Your Word for the Year’

You’ve probably done an exercise where you choose your word for the year. It’s a really helpful way to bring focus to your reflections and intentions.   Here’s a twist on that.   A couple of days ago, I ran my final leadership team workshop for the year. We kicked it off with each team […]

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Christmas Won’t Fix It (2022 Version)

Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing. Miles Davis   Last week I posted a poll on LinkedIn asking the question ‘Leading into the end of the year, how full is your tank?’ As of the time of writing, here are the preliminary results:       That’s two-thirds of people either getting […]

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Listen to your state more than your story

  When it comes to decisions, it often pays to listen to your state over your story.   When your head says ‘I should keep working’, and your gut says ‘go for a walk’, then go for a walk.   When your head says ‘I have to keep showing up to these useless meetings’, and […]

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Busy is a decision - Debbie Millman

Three ways to be more Unhurriedly Productive

Here we are at the beginning of February. After the break, is your world starting to speed up again? I bumped into a client last week who told me that the calm and zen she’d experienced over the holiday period had evaporated within 40 minutes of her first day back at work. Sound familiar?   […]

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How to Dance with the Unexpected.

Last week was a tough one.  I had a busy work schedule planned, including leading two full-day Change Makers workouts. Then, at the start of the week, my seventeen year old daughter got a sciatic nerve injury which left her in excruciating pain and unable to get out of bed, let alone walk, for the […]

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The Curse of Ondine

As things have freed up a little (at least in my part of the world), I’ve grabbed the opportunity to break with routine. I’ve just spent five nights on a solo retreat in the Taranaki region of New Zealand. My intent was to deliberately unplug, slow down and not do anything ‘productive’ at all. I’ve […]

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Forget Time Management. Master These Disciplines Instead.

In times of disruption, a focus on time management gives us a sense of control and stability. But if we want to thrive, we need to look beyond simply mastering our calendar.  I wrote this piece before the rise of the Covid19 crisis. I think it’s even more relevant now.   For years, I’ve taken […]

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Your Year By Design: 2020

We can’t predict the future. But we can shape it. The more intentional and deliberate we are about deciding what we want, the more likely it is that we’ll get it. That’s the idea behind Your Year By Design. It’s a process I’ve been running for myself for the past few years. It ensures my […]

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A Synthesis of Passions

When you synthesise your passions, amazing stuff happens. I’ve just got back from a couple of weeks in the North West of Australia. While I was there, I combined two of my favourite things: the work that I do, and being out there in the grand majesty of nature. More specifically, I created and filmed […]

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Your Year By Design: A Mid-Year Check In

If you’ve been reading my stuff for a while now, you’ll be familiar with my ‘Year By Design’ practice. Towards the end of each year, I take time out to deliberately design my next twelve months, so I can maximise how I spend my time and create a life that works for me and the […]

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