
Where’s Your Focus?

In sport, there’s a saying that, when heeded, unquestionably boosts performance. “Where you look is where you go.” Similarly, in my years of working with leaders in all sorts of settings, I’ve noticed that a conversation’s outcome depends very much on where the conversation is focused. Take Bruce, an under-pressure senior leader who’s leading a […]

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What Happens When You Show Up On Purpose?

  I’ve just got back from a week on the beach in Fiji. But wait – it’s not what you think! I went to plan and write my next book (ok, with a little surfing thrown in). I had a hugely productive week, and I’ve come away feeling pretty good about where I’ve got to. […]

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Find Your Rhythm

Are your days ‘lurchy’ or ‘flowy’? For many of us, it’s more often the former, when we’d love it to be more of the latter. Let’s get some definitions down: ‘Lurchy’ = you’re moving from one thing to another, feeling fragmented, scattered and often ending feeling unproductive and shattered. ‘Flowy’ = stuff feels effortless, you’re […]

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