Leading Wisdom – Webinar Recordings

Practical strategies to help you lead wisely in an uncertain world.

Below are recordings from the Leading Wisdom Webinar Series I ran for clients, colleagues and programme alumni to help make the most of these interesting times during COVID19.  

If you’re interested in running one of these webinars for your organisation here are the details.



Remote Doesn’t Have to Mean Remote

A guide to leading your people when working remotely

Working from home? Got your people working from home? Not sure how best to engage and help them stay connected and productive? You’re not alone!

 Working remotely presents a range of challenges that we don’t tend to encounter in our usual ‘face to face’ environment. When the hallway conversation isn’t on tap, and meeting rooms are just a digital concept, how do you keep things humming?

Check out the recording from the Remote Doesn’t Have to Mean Remote webinar held on 20 March 2020.

You can view the webinar chat here

Here are some useful references for you:

Along with this handy download  you can share with others 



Here are some word cloud themes for Belonging, Bringing and Becoming



Calm the Farm

Finding ‘Centre’ in a world of Confusion

If you’re noticing your people are finding it hard to get perspective and make clear decisions, you’re not alone! When things get crazy, fear can override rational thinking, clouding judgment and causing a sort of mental ‘paralysis’. It’s normal. Yet it doesn’t have to be that way.

When we can help others find their centre, they become instantly more effective. We’re better able to serve others. Priorities become clearer. Attention becomes focused on serving others. Decisions become easier, and life becomes a little better. 

Check out the recording from the ‘Calm the Farm’ webinar held on 27 March 2020.

You can access the webinar text chat here




Remote Doesn’t Have to Mean Remote

A guide to leading your people when working remotely

Check out the recording from the Remote Doesn’t Have to Mean Remote webinar held on 27 March 2020.

You can access the webinar text chat here



Leading in Uncertainty

How to lead when there are no easy answers

Are you in a leadership role and feeling the pressure? Are people looking to you for direction, clarity and answers? This is the new world of leadership. Welcome to the club!

The time to lead is now. Where there used to be answers, there’s now a vacuum. This is when leadership steps up and creates a space for the best versions of ourselves to emerge, to create new possibilities and to collectively make those a reality.

This webinar will help you to take a look at what leadership in uncertainty can look like, what you might dial up, and dial down, in your own leadership approach to help you and your people navigate the territory when there are no easy answers.

Check out the recording from the Leading in Uncertainty webinar held on 3rd April, 2020.


You can access the webinar text chat here




Changing the Game

Rewriting the rules in times of disruption

We live our lives and run our organisations by rules. We often assume rules can’t be changed, when in fact in most cases they can.

In fast moving times, where decisions need to be made and experiments need to be run, we’re seeing that some rules that used to be inviolate are now up for negotiation. 

Disruptive times provide the perfect opportunity to examine, test and rewrite rules that no longer serve us.  

Join me to discern  the difference between immutable and invented rules, and to learn a simple method for how you can change the rules to better meet the challenges you face.

Check out the recording from the Remote Doesn’t Have to Mean Remote webinar held on 9th April, 2020

You can access the webinar text chat here

Below is a pictorial capturing key notes from the webinar.  You can download this here.



Experiment Now!

What if trying a whole lot of new stuff was the way through this?

When the old ways don’t serve the new reality as well as they could, it’s time to create some new ways. And when we don’t have a handy reference manual with all the answers, we need to turn to what the great leaders and creators have always done: experiments.

Experimentation is the driving force behind any breakthrough. The ability to cultivate a culture of experimentation is now an essential leadership skill in today’s workplace. Now that we’re truly facing some wicked challenges, the ability to ‘think like a scientist’ to find new ways is fundamental.

In this webinar, we’ll look at what it means to ‘think like a scientist’, how you can take your big questions and turn them into experiments, and how you can help your people do the same.

Check out the recording from the Remote Doesn’t Have to Mean Remote webinar held on 17th April, 2020

You can access the webinar text chat here

Click here to download the My Experiment on A Page template




Growing Through Crisis

How to turn chaotic disruption into positive change.

The dust is settling. We can now start to lift our heads from dealing with the immediate crisis and begin to think of the longer-term. We can, and should, ask questions like:

  • What opportunities have emerged from this crisis?
  • What good practices and behaviours do we want to take forward?
  • What might we create out of the chaos that we have just been through?

Crisis is a crucible for change. We now have a unique window of opportunity to act and embed new ways of working for the better. This window won’t stay open forever though. The time for capitalising on the insights and opportunities is now.

In this webinar, we’ll help you go from insight to action to help you and the people around you make change for good.

Check out the recording from the ‘Growing Through Crisis’ webinar held on 24th April, 2020

You can access the webinar text chat here



I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to these webinars as much as I’ve enjoyed delivering them to you.

If you’re interested in running one of these webinars for your organisation here are the details.

Now is the time to lead.