
Give Kudos to the Curious

Last week during a Change Makers workshop, our guest was Mandy Simpson, Chief Digital Officer for New Zealand’s Z Energy. Guests are invited not to give a presentation, but rather to bring a question and host a conversation centred on that question. Mandy’s question was “How can we ask better questions?”   The drive behind […]

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Your Year By Design 2022: Part Two

So here we are. It’s December. You made it. How are you doing? If you’re like most people I’ve been speaking with lately, you’re ready for a break.   Last week, I wrote about the importance of starting to think how you want 2022 to be now, and showed you how I go about starting […]

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Jed and staff member in the flow at Raglan Roast with ‘The Book Deal’  in the foreground.

Raglan Roast: A Short Case Study in Unhurried Productivity

One of my favourite local coffee places is Raglan Roast in Te Aro, Wellington. It’s a rustic, relaxed place that serves great coffee with a laid-back vibe.   Here’s an extract from their ‘About Us’ page:   “Offering you tasty, quality coffee with speed and at an honest price that will take you back in time.”   […]

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Why We Hurry

As I’ve been running my Unhurried Productivity experiment, I’ve been researching why we hurry. Here’s my summary of what I’m learning, and, if we want to change gears, some ideas for what we can do about it. Heads up – it’s a slightly longer read than usual. I reckon it’s worth it to give the […]

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Take the time it takes

Do you feel like you’re cramming too much in? Yep, me too. Last Friday I had a client coaching session. We booked out a couple of hours, and we used 90 minutes. Then we felt that we were done. We’d done good work. We didn’t rush it. I think what helped was a feeling that […]

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Arrow or Snowplough?

There’s a woman I know who has brilliant ideas for how to transform the New Zealand economy so it leads the world in societal and environmental wellbeing. She’s smart. She’s visionary. Yet she’s not getting traction. Why not? She’s a lone voice. Her industry has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Her ideas […]

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Leaving vs. Leading

Lately, I’ve been writing about creating space. I’ve realised that there are two forms of this practice that we need to master: ME space: Getting away. Taking time out. Retreating. Escaping. WE space: Creating space for others to pause, reflect, make sense and decide. Here’s another way of thinking about it: ME space = ‘leaving’, […]

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Naomi Osaka (Or, why we need change-makers)

When Naomi Osaka announced that she was not going to attend the post-match press conferences at this year’s French Open, she did me a favour. She shone a light on a status quo that I hadn’t really paid attention to before. That status quo was the requirement for professional tennis players to show up at […]

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Sanctuary, Sandpit or Stage?

Last week I was in a session with my counsellor. Yes, I see a counsellor! He’s super-helpful to help me try to make sense of my life in a turbulent world. I was sharing with him how full-on life is right now and how it just feels non-stop. It’s like I’m always ‘on’. I’m on […]

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Wellbeing Reframed

Are you hearing a lot about ‘wellbeing’ at the moment? It is the flavour of the month or a fundamental strategy? I had conversations with two different client organisations last week, both centring on wellbeing. Their two lenses couldn’t have been more different. For one client, their wellbeing agenda was a list of activities that […]

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